How To Turn Off iPhone 15

You might think you’re being dumb but trust me, I had to Google how to do this as well! How to turn off an iPhone 15 isn’t as easy as holding the power or lock button anymore…

I’ve also written this on Medium.

How To Turn Off iPhone 15

To turn off an iPhone 15, you can press and hold the side button/lock button along with any volume button.

You can see this clearly in the image below:

How To Turn Off iPhone 15

Keep holding these buttons until you see a Slide to Power Off slider.

Simply slide and see your iPhone power off!

Easy peasy once you know how to do it!

How To Turn Off iPhone 15 – Method 2

If you aren’t able to turn off your iPhone 15 using the method above, you can instead do this:

Settings -> General -> Shut Down

After that, you will once again get the slider to shut down your iPhone 15.

Why Turn Off Your iPhone 15?

There’s a ton of reasons as to why you might need to shutdown your iPhone 15. Many of them revolve around system upkeep and maintenance, as it’s not good to have you phone powered on for long durations without rebooting every so often.

Most modern mobile phones do a good job of staying online for a long time, and also do a good job of automatically applying updates and rebooting overnight if they’re plugged into power and connected to WiFi.

Shutting down your iPhone can also help remove any errors or weird behaviour you might have. The old “turn it off and back on again” is still true it seems even with the latest technology.

Enjoy! 🎉

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Mark Harwood
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