Change ownCloud User Home in MYSQL

So I recently created a new ownCloud 10 server to get away from ownCloud 9. This meant creating a new CentOS 7 VM bladybladyblah…

One thing that caught me out, among many to do with ownCloud, was that the original user created during the setup process couldn’t save or view files after I had reconfigured the home directory to be more secure.

After looking in the MYSQL database, I saw that the original user’s home directory had not been updated to match the new path. To check this I used the following commands and looked for the home column:

USE owncloud;
SELECT * FROM oc_accounts;

After those commands, I updated the users home setting by using the following command:

UPDATE oc_accounts SET home="/new/dir/username" WHERE user_id="user";

Nice simple fix for an issue that was driving me up the wall.

Hope you enjoy!

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