How To Open The BIOS In Windows 11 – 5 Methods

Hi All!

So recently, I wanted a faster way to access the BIOS whilst using Windows 11. I’ve been using the typical method of reboot the machine and mashing the keyboard because I always forget which key to actually press.

This is far from ideal, especially if I miss the button and have to keep rebooting…

This is also on my Medium page, in case you prefer reading over there.

So I wanted to create a short post around this topic – How to open the BIOS in Windows 11. Plus, you get 5 methods!

Useful Terms

  • Windows 11 – This is an operating system developed by Microsoft and is widely used around the globe. As of January 2024, it was responsible for roughly 28th% of all operating system installs worldwide.
  • BIOS – This term is an acronym for Basic Input/Basic Output and is essential for any computer system. This is the firmware that is responsible for initialising and controlling hardware components.

How To Open The BIOS In Windows 11 - 5 Methods


Accessing the BIOS could be done for many reasons, but the most common is troubleshooting. Sometimes, it’s really useful or necessary to access the BIOS when diagnosing an issue.

It’s also useful when installing new hardware as you can check the system recognises the new component(s) before booting into Windows 11 and potentially giving you the dreaded bluescreen of death, or BSOD!

How To Open The BIOS In Windows 11

1 – On Computer Start-Up

Okay, so this first open isn’t really from ‘inside’ Windows 11, and I’ve already stated how I don’t like using this version. But sometimes it is unavoidable!

Since the BIOS menu is often the first thing a computer system displays when booting up, if you’re fast enough you can use this method to reliably enter the BIOS menu every time the system starts up.

Typically, you will have to use one of the following keys to enter the BIOS:

F1, F2, F12, DEL

Again, this can vary greatly depending on the manufacturing of your motherboard or base system.

2 – Windows Settings

Finally, lets get into the juicier options!

You can enter the BIOS menu directly from the Windows 11 settings menu. To do this, you can follow the below steps:

Start Menu -> Settings -> Update -> Recovery -> Advanced Startup -> Restart Now

Once you’ve followed these steps, your system will reboot into the Windows advanced menu. From here, you can chose to enter the BIOS or UEFI system.

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3 – UEFI Alternative

So far, we’ve talked only about BIOS and haven’t mentioned this alternative yet. UEFI is an acronym for Unified Extensible Firmware Interface, and it’s designed as a modern replacement to the traditional BIOS system. Whilst it does still serve the same fundamental operations as BIOS, UEFI has several benefits, including: support for larger storage devices; faster boot times; a better user interface; and enhanced security.

Okay so enough explanation, let me show you how to access the UEFI menu from Windows 11:

Start Menu -> Search ‘UEFI Firmware Settings’

If your system uses the UEFI firmware, then it should bring up the settings menu you require.

4 – Shift Key

Whilst not technically done from ‘inside’ Windows 11, similar to the first option, you can still easily reboot your system into the BIOS without having to guess which key to mash on start-up.

To do this, you can restart your system whilst holding the SHIFT key.

This should open the recovery start menu similar to option 2. From here, you can navigate to the BIOS using the following path:

Troubleshoot -> Advanced Options -> UEFI Firmware Settings

This should take you to your BIOS.

5 – Shortcut

If the BIOS or UEFI is something you access frequently, there is always the option to create a desktop icon for easy access.

Doing so, will create a super simply way to take you directly to your BIOS.

To do this, you can follow the below steps:

Right Click ‘Desktop’ -> New -> Shortcut -> Enter the following command ‘shutdown /r /o /f /t 00’

You can even give this shortcut a helpful name, such as BIOS Settings. That way, you never lose your easy access.

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It would be remis of me if I didn’t provide at least one warning to accessing the BIOS or UEFI. Remember; this is the system that runs your computer. Making changes can have disastrous effects, and even completely break your hardware.

For example, if you’re changing the clock speeds of your RAM or CPU without fully understanding the changes you’re making. Then you can easily destroy your expensive equipment and also be left without any warranty.


As with anything, you will definitely find that certain methods work better for you than others. I know in some work places, IT restrict the usage of custom shortcuts as they could pose a security risk. But to be honest, if you’re wanting to access your BIOS and you’re not IT, then something is going wrong!

Whatever method you use, make sure to save this page and leave a comment if you found these options helpful!

As you’ve seen now, accessing the BIOS or UEFI system on Windows 11 isn’t hard to do. When Microsoft first announced this release of their home operating system, many were concerned that the massive rework to the graphical interface and system overall would hinder current access methods.

I hope this helps!

Enjoy! 🎉

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